Interview questions

I have done a few interviews from both sides of the table, I’m not very good at either but thought I would have a go at answering my favourite questions. Describe an IT disaster and what you did to turn it around? The question is all about the turn it around bit. I’ve had lots of answers that emphasise the problem...

To boldly go where no SQL has gone before

My last post proved quite popular so I am wondering if I can combine a post about IT and Star Trek. Years ago I used to have lists of Star Trek episodes, which included such information like original air date, production number, episode title and brief description. One thing that was hard to keep track of was how many...

Destination Star Trek

As a break from my usual topics I am going to talk about what I did over the weekend. I am a huge star trek fan, so me and my wife Laura went to Destination Star Trek, a convention held in London. This is a picture of us in costume, my wife created a tribble costume (A tribble is an alien race that just consists of a...

Windows 9 or do I mean 10

Like many systems administrators I watched as the news came out yesterday about the latest version of windows. What would it be like? What would it be called? Would it be better or worse than previous versions? I was shocked when the name of the new operating system was revealed to be Windows 10. What really!? At first...

I love Nagios

You may not have heard of Nagios but it has saved my bacon quite a few times. Nagios is an open source server monitoring application that runs on many linux flavours. I can’t remember exactly when I first installed nagios but I am guessing it was sometime in 2007/8. My boss gave me a book about it (which I never read)...