Let’s Encrypt is amazing, you can easily add SSL certificates to any website and automate the renewal process. I have talked before about how impressive it is. Once you start adding SSL certificates to your production sites however you may want to check when they expire so you don’t get caught out. You can always open...
Last week I looked at testing the UI of mobile apps , this week lets look at how we could do a similar thing for websites. Testing the user interface is not an excuse for a lack of unit tests . Testing the user interface takes longer so for keep creating your small unit tests that can be run after ever build. That said...
Whenever I write a new test I have to think how best to do it. Hopefully I can summarise a few tips here to help get started. Arrange Act Assert The first thing I think about when writing a test is Arrange, Act, Assert. Arrange, Act, Assert is a pattern for writing the tests. Arrange – This gets things in order ready...

A few weeks back I attended a talk at Agile Yorkshire about Test Driven Development or TDD by Dr Oliver Shaw. I was impressed at how easy Oliver made it look, so as I have never tried it I thought I should give it a try. Test Driven Development or TDD is a way of development which starts with writing a Unit Test. First...