Source Code for Game of Life

Last week I blogged about the Game of Life. Well it took some searching through dead hard drives and old USB storage but I found the program I wrote, and better than that I have figured out how to turn it back into source code. The file date is November 2004 and the source code has no comments so I don’t know what was...

Javascript progress

I got excited earlier this week as I started playing around with the javascript I have been learning. I thought I would try and create useful javascript that could be applied to an online filestore. Somewhere that you could upload, delete, edit files and folders and various options to do with your files would popup via...

Hello World!

The first program anyone writes in a new language is often really simple and just displays the text “Hello World!”, below are a few examples from languages I have knowledge of. Console.WriteLine("Hello, world!"); <html> <head></head> <body> <p>Hello, world!</p> </body> </html> php echo 'Hello, world!'; ?>MsgBox("Hello,...