I have had a Raspberry Pi for a few years and recently I connected it up again, I plugged in the camera and everything worked. To start off you can view photos from the camera with the raspistill command. With a bit of clever scripting and the crontab I got the Pi taking pictures every 60 seconds. Even managed to take...
Last year you may remember me talking about playing with a Raspberry Pi. Well since then my Raspberry Pi has been sat on a desk collecting dust. This week I attended Leeds Sharp and the topic was Running Windows on Raspberry Pi and this has inspired me again to do something with a Pi. But first what did I learn. Here...
So my first Raspberry Pi project is a security camera. If you have read my previous Raspberry Pi posts you will know that I have been playing about with the camera but I had one or two problems with Pidora so I am using Raspbian for this example. To take a photo with the camera module you can use the command...
I am currently buzzing with excitement about my Raspberry Pi. I will try to document here what I have done so far. I decided to buy the camera module along with my Pi. It was straightforward to connect them up, lift the connector behind the network port, insert the ribbon cable, push connector back down. Next I...
Many years ago I spent a lot of time learning about electronics. It was great fun, I can’t remember specific things I built, but learning what resistors and capacitors do was fascinating. I haven’t really thought about this much as my interests have been concentrated on computers and programming, but recently my...