Every November it is like Christmas for .NET developers, as Microsoft releases the next version of .NET. This year is no different, and we have version 9 of .NET to play with. This release is packed with new features and improvements across the board. If you haven’t already head on over to the dotnet website and...
On Saturday 7th October I attended DDD East Midlands . It is a community run conference for Developers (the D’s stand for Developer) and I had a great time, I have been to DDD North before but this was the first time going to Nottingham for a conference (I grew up in Nottingham, or a town not far from). As I have said...
On Saturday 3rd December I attended DDD North . It is a community run conference for Developers (the D’s stand for Developer) and I had a fab time there. Many conferences are going online which is great, however there is nothing quite like chatting over coffee or lunch with fellow Developers about the tech you are...
This morning the client complains that the website is not working. I do some checking and I confirm that there is indeed an error. The error they are seeing is: An unhandled exception occurred while processing the request. MsalServiceException: A configuration issue is preventing authentication - check the error...
I have a Blazor application that was built with .Net Core 3, and I have updated it to .Net 5 and later .Net 6 when those versions of were released. In November .Net 7 is released so I have been testing it with the .Net 7 previews. However for this update I encountered a few more issues than I remember from the other...
Today Microsoft celebrated 20 years since the first version of dotnet was released with a special live stream event. A lot has happened in the 20 years of dotnet (or .Net). It is my understanding that .Net was created to rival Java. When the .Net Framework was first created it was a windows only thing, but today...
I have had a Raspberry Pi for a few years and recently I connected it up again, I plugged in the camera and everything worked. To start off you can view photos from the camera with the raspistill command. With a bit of clever scripting and the crontab I got the Pi taking pictures every 60 seconds. Even managed to take...
One of my favourite podcasts is Troy Hunts weekly update. In it he discusses stuff that he has been working on, plus some personal stuff. I am going to attempt to do something similar. It will probably take me a few of these before we get a look and feel that works. Monday A week off work, mainly to use it up before...
Have you wondered what info you are leaking via your response headers?, do you want some kind of guide about what headers to set or remove altogether? Head on over to https://securityheaders.com/ This is a site created by security expert Scott Helme that rates a URL based on what response headers it can see. I am...
My last blog post was over six months ago. Covid 19 has hit the world, and I will be honest I have found it a challenging time. My Blog had gotten into a bit of a mess. It had become fragmented with different versions of the same thing; I will attempt to explain what has become of my blog. The original WordPress site...