One of the features of git is the ability to tag a point in my change history with a tag. For a while now I have been manually tagging my code whenever I do a release, so I can easily work out what has changed by doing a diff between two tags. Now that I am automating my release process with TeamCity I am thinking...

Last year I blogged about Team City , well I have been looking at it again recently. In that time they have even changed their logo! Lets start with thinking about what I want my Continuous Integration server to do. Check out my code from source control (usually master but all feature branches would be even better)...

I recently read a blog post by Pinal Dave about how you can backup straight to Azure Storage. The procedure he described is only available for SQL Server 2014 or later. I won’t go into detail of this method as Pinal describes it better than I can, but the basic of it requires setting up credentials and then running a...

Copying settings to an Azure Website

The Software as a Service (SaaS) website that I work on has been sold to lots of clients now. Which is great news. However the more Azure websites we have, the more websites we have to administer, especially if like us you take advantage of Traffic Manager which requires multiple website in different regions. Azure has...

I have spent most of the day tweaking my Azure websites. Lots of fun! Last week unfortunately Azure had some problems and many websites that were running in the North Europe data centre were unavailable for several hours. And you guessed it my websites were hosted here. All hosting providers are going to have downtime...