Using GitHub Actions

I’ve been running my website on Azure Static Web Apps for a while and it is pretty cool. When you create a Static Web App on Azure you get asked for the github repo of your source code and even the branch to use. Once you have selected this, you get asked for the type of code to deploy, mine is Blazor Web Assembly but...

Lets have a look at what my goals were for 2021. I had eight of them, lets look at them one by one. Azure certification. In May of this year I sat and passed the Azure Fundamentals exam. I am calling this goal as achieved. Mentoring. I didn’t do anything about working with others or mentoring, so not sure I...

Back to BASIC

How exciting my Lynx Computer from my childhood has come home, all 96k of it — Simon Foster (@funkysi1701) December 26, 2021 I can’t remember the syntax for BASIC, luckily I have been able to find the Manual . All the commands are listed inside so lets see what we can do. The Lynx presents...

We are over halfway through 2021, let’s have a quick look at some things I have done this year: Deployed a new version of the Pre Qualification questionnaire website for my employers Passed Azure Fundamentals Exam Mongo DB Atlas - experimented with using it for auditing my application SonarCloud - tried to...

My road to Certification

So today I sat the Azure Fundamentals Certification Exam and passed! Really pleased with myself at achieving this. It was one of my goals for 2021 so I can tick that off. Back in January I booked my first exam, however due to technical problems I didn’t get as far as the Exam. In order to be able to sit an exam like...

DotNet on a Raspberry Pi

I have had a Raspberry Pi for a few years and recently I connected it up again, I plugged in the camera and everything worked. To start off you can view photos from the camera with the raspistill command. With a bit of clever scripting and the crontab I got the Pi taking pictures every 60 seconds. Even managed to take...