For a while I have found myself writing the same bits of code for different web projects. This annoys me as it goes against the DRY principle (don’t repeat yourself). One possible solution is to write your own nuget packages. You can then add this piece of code to any project you work on. is the public nuget...
For a while the Async and Await commands in c# have confused me. Like most things the best way to learn about something is to use it in a real world example. I am currently adding an email alert feature to a website. This is an ideal example of something that would benefit from Asynchronous programming. There is no...
I recently watched Troy Hunt’s What Every Developer Must Know about HTTPS course on Pluralsight. Its very good and really make you think about SSL certificates and how to correctly implement them. One thing in particular Troy mentions is the website SSL Labs . This website allows you to test a websites implementation...
Whenever I write a new test I have to think how best to do it. Hopefully I can summarise a few tips here to help get started. Arrange Act Assert The first thing I think about when writing a test is Arrange, Act, Assert. Arrange, Act, Assert is a pattern for writing the tests. Arrange – This gets things in order ready...
I am a fan of Azure but today I have been looking at AWS. Specifically how to upload and download files. AWS S3 stores files in Buckets. I already had an AWS S3 account setup with a Bucket. I am going to assume you have got a bucket setup and concentrate on the code to get files in and out. First step is to use nuget...