Have you heard of the website https://haveibeenpwned.com ? Well you should have. Have I Been Pwned is a website created by security expert Troy Hunt that keeps track of data breaches and allows you to search and find ones that affect you. As I write this Troy Hunt has tracked 3,752,984,562 pwned accounts from 216 pwned...

Star Trek Discovery – thoughts on new trailer

I am really excited a new Star Trek Discovery trailer has just been released, if you haven’t seen it yet, watch it now. The rumour mill has been going crazy about Star Trek Discovery but now we have a trailer with actual footage to analyse. In my opinion all the concerns about changes in the production team have gone...

No blog post this week. However why not check out Troy Hunts blog article about Windows Update . I am probably fairly unique in that I like installing updates whether it be on my phone, my PC or for one of my favourite programs. One of my tasks when I used to work in a sysadmin role was ensuring all windows updates got...

High Charts is a javascript library that allows graphs and charts to easily be added to web pages. A chart like this can easily be added with a few lines of html and javascript. <script src="https://code.highcharts.com/highcharts.js"> <script src="https://code.highcharts.com/modules/exporting.js"> <div...

For the past few weeks my software developing has been taking a back seat as I planned and coordinated the IT requirements of an office move. The company I work for has been working out of a converted barn, but as the company has grown we have outgrown the building and for quite a while it has been a real squeeze to...